Real solutions from telecom leaders

Oliver Pearson
June 26, 2024

We talked to real UK telecom providers about their experiences using all-in-one job management software BigChange. Here's what we learned about their common problems and how they solved them.

Untangling Multiple Systems

Locktel's experience might sound familiar:

In the past we had several different web platforms plus Excel files, plus devices, plus emails...

This jumble of systems was a nightmare to manage.

The fix? Consolidate your systems. Locktel moved everything into one platform. While it was a big change, it made their operations much smoother. They could now manage jobs, customer info, billing and more all in one place.

The Scaling Challenge

A recent new customer faced a common problem:

Previously we had everything on spreadsheets. This meant no scalability.

As they grew, managing 100-200 jobs per day became a real headache.

The fix? Move beyond spreadsheets. They found that a job management system gave them the visibility they needed. It helps them track vehicles, jobs, engineers, invoices and more all in one place.

Balancing Efficiency and Compliance

Many providers struggle with forcing compliance with their field teams but trying to stay efficient.

One company found that they were completing compliance tasks on different systems. A55s, RAMS and TBTs were slowing down their engineers.

The fix? Make compliance part of the workflow. Use mobile apps that let engineers complete forms and take required photos on-site. This keeps you legal without slowing down your team.

Meeting Customer Expectations

Today's stakeholders want more information than ever. As one provider put it:

Fibre laying firms have to provide 'as-built' photos of all work. We have to prove the services provided are up to industry standard.

BigChange allows us to offer our stakeholders automatic job updates as well as a client portal. They can log in and see their photos, job cards and all their job information at a glance.

The fix?
Use technology to your advantage. Implement systems that automatically share job updates and photos with customers. This builds trust and reduces calls to your support team.

Winning More Contracts

In a competitive market, standing out is tough.

BigChange allows greater visibility over deliverables. Meeting targets helps prove efficiency and build trust.

The fix?
Use data to show your value. Track things like on-time arrivals and job completion rates. Use these numbers in your proposals to show why you're the best choice.

Preparing for the Future

The telecom industry is always changing. As one industry veteran said:

Eventually the industry may become cloud based, rather than using physical infrastructure. But we are talking 20 something years in the future.

The fix?
Choose flexible tools that can grow with you. Look for cloud-based systems that update regularly. This way, you can adapt to new technologies without overhauling your entire operation.

Wrapping Up: Real Solutions for Real Growth

Growing a telecom service company isn't easy, but it's full of opportunities. By learning from others in the industry and using smart solutions, you can overcome common challenges and set your company up for success.

One CTO told us:

I wake up with BigChange and I go to sleep with BigChange.

Finding the right tools to manage your operations can make all the difference.

In this fast-changing industry, how well you run your operations can set you apart.

Want to see if BigChange could help?

Get a demo to see how other telecoms companies use our all-in-one job management software to manage their entire operation.

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