Have a job management system but not getting the most out of it?

Ann F Dewar
September 11, 2023

Picture this: It's Monday morning, and you're already swamped with tasks. The phone won't stop ringing, there's a pile of paperwork on the desk, and you're trying to recall if you've scheduled that important job for Thursday.

Sounds familiar? You invested in a job management system hoping for a smoother ride, but somehow, chaos still reigns.

Ask yourself this: Are you genuinely tapping into the full potential of your system? The good news is we’re here to help. In this post, we explore ways to transform that chaos into streamlined efficiency.

Let’s get into it.👇

Common reasons businesses don’t maximise their job management system

Reduce errors

While you are an expert in your field, sometimes new tools, especially digital ones, can throw you for a loop.

Here are some common reasons why you might not be getting the most out of your job management systems:

  • Lack of proper training: Without a clear understanding of how to use the system, it becomes a fancy ornament rather than a helpful tool. That’s why it’s so important to look for solutions that offer robust training and support.
  • The 'old ways are better' mindset: We've all been there – sticking to our trusty old methods because they’ve worked for years. But while traditional methods have their merits, technology aims to make things simpler and more efficient.
  • Fear of technology: It's okay to admit – some of us get sweaty palms just thinking about using new software. What if we press the wrong button? What if we lose all our data? Fear can hold us back from embracing tools that could make our lives easier.
  • Using the wrong systems: Not every job management system is built the same. Just like how one size doesn't fit all in work boots, the same goes for software. Sometimes we might find ourselves struggling because we're simply using a system that's not tailored to our specific needs. Picking the right tech is key. If it feels like you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole with your current system, it might be time to consider if it's truly the best fit for your trade.

Recognise yourself in any of the above? Don't worry; you're not alone. The good news? Each of these hurdles can be overcome, and by the end of this guide, you'll be on your way to mastering that job management system.

So what are the essential features of a best practice job management system?

Essential features in typical job management systems

For many of us, a job management system is like a toolbox: filled with various tools, each with its purpose, waiting to make our lives easier. But what good is a toolbox if we don't know what's inside or how to use each tool effectively?

Let's unpack the essentials:

  • PLAN: Job Scheduling: With intelligent job scheduling, you can perfectly align teams, assets, and vehicles to work-orders, optimising operations and reducing costs. It's about getting the right resource to the right job, every single time.
  • TRACK: Live Tracking: With live tracking, you gain complete visibility over vehicles, assets, and field teams. Plus, smart route planning means less wasted time and fuel. And when urgent jobs pop up? You can pivot in real-time.
  • MANAGE: Mobile app: Want to supercharge your field teams? With the BigChange App, you connect the office and field seamlessly, ensuring every job stays on track. It's like having your operations room in your pocket.
  • PAY: Financial Management: What if invoicing became as easy as snapping your fingers? From generating invoices to offering quick payment options with a tool like BigChange, you'll not only improve cash flow but also provide unparalleled convenience to your customers.
  • IMPROVE: Business Intelligence: Dive deep into your business and operational performance, uncover growth opportunities, and steer your ship with confidence using actionable insights.
  • WIN: Win more work and get closer to customers: Imagine if your customers had a digital door straight to your business, open 24/7. That's the power of an online portal. Not only can they easily book and manage appointments, but it also allows your teams to have a 360˚ view of each account.

These features are just the tip of the iceberg. The key is to remember that each one exists to simplify a specific part of our work. Embracing them can transform our daily grind into a more streamlined, stress-free process.

🔎To find out more about what goes into a typical job management system, take a look at BigChange’s features here.

Easy tips to get the most out of your system

We've unpacked the tools inside our digital toolbox. But how do you use these tools like a seasoned pro?

Let's jump into some easy-to-follow tips that'll have you mastering your job management system in no time:

  • Dedicate a learning day: Set aside some time – be it an afternoon or a day – to explore your system's features. If you’ve chosen a tool like BigChange, you’ll have a dedicated customer success manager and round-the-clock support from RoadCrew. So feel free to put them to good use to help you better understand the tech.
  • Start with one feature at a time: Ever tried to juggle? It's easier starting with one ball rather than three. The same goes for your system. Master the basics of one feature – say, the online booking portal – before you dive into the complexities of business intelligence.
  • Ask for help when needed: Similar to the dedicated learning day, no one said you had to do this alone. If you're feeling stuck, reach out! Whether it's the support team of your software, a colleague who's a bit more tech-savvy, or online forums and communities, there's a world of help out there.
  • Regularly update & review: Technology, like everything else, evolves. Make a habit of checking for updates and reading through new feature logs. Not only will you benefit from the latest additions, but it also ensures your system runs smoothly.
  • Feedback loop: Encourage your team to provide feedback. They're the ones on the ground using the system daily. Their insights could spotlight features you've overlooked or highlight areas for improvement.

Remember, every master was once a beginner. With patience, curiosity, and these tips in your back pocket, you'll be navigating your job management system in no time.

The ripple effect: benefits beyond job management

We've talked a lot about the features and immediate benefits of a robust job management system. But its impact doesn't stop at just scheduling or invoicing. There's a ripple effect, where the benefits of a streamlined system touch every part of your business.

Let's explore how:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: When jobs are managed efficiently, customers notice. Reduced waiting times, real-time updates, and seamless communication make for a better customer experience. And happy customers? They're more likely to recommend your services to others.
  • Empowered employees and subcontractors: When your team has clear tasks, efficient scheduling, and the tools to manage their workload, morale boosts. They spend less time on tedious admin and more time doing what they love and do best, leading to a more motivated and productive workforce.
  • Financial health: Improved invoicing and financial management mean healthier cash flow. Plus, with insights from the business intelligence tool, you can identify areas of growth and potential cost savings.
  • Environmental impact: Think of the fuel and paper saved by smart route planning and digital invoicing. By using a job management system like BigChange, you're not only benefiting your business but also playing a part in reducing your environmental footprint.
  • Scalability and growth: With a system that can easily adapt and expand, growing your business becomes more manageable. Whether you're adding new services, expanding to new regions, or hiring more team members, your job management system scales with you.

In the grand scheme of things, a job management system is more than just a tool. It has the power to drive positive change not just in operations but right across your business and community.

Wrap-up and looking ahead

As we come to a close on this deep dive into job management systems, it’s time to look ahead. The landscape of business and technology is ever-evolving, and to stay ahead, we must always be ready to adapt and grow.

🎬Action steps moving forward:

  • Stay curious: Regularly check in with industry news, updates, and advancements in job management technology.
  • Engage with your community: Join forums, attend webinars, and participate in discussions about the future of job management.
  • Feedback loop: As always, keep that channel of feedback open. As the industry changes, so will your team's needs and suggestions. Think of your software supplier as an extension of your business and be sure to loop them in.
  • Enable automatic updates: If your system allows it, turn on auto-updates so you never miss out.
  • Stay informed: Join the system's newsletter or user community. This way, you'll be the first to know about any major upgrades or changes.
  • Stay adaptable: As you notice the extended benefits, adjust your business strategies to maximize these advantages. For example, if customers appreciate the real-time updates, consider marketing this feature more prominently.

In conclusion, your job management system isn't just a tool for today; it's an investment in tomorrow. By understanding its depth, staying updated, and looking ahead, you're not just optimising your business operations – you're setting the stage for a brighter, more efficient future.
Not sure where to start? Let our experts guide you through the best practices in job management. Book a consultation now!

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