Alerts: keep on top of the things that matter
It’s easier to manage your business when proactive alerts prompt you to take action. Like when a vehicle’s MOT is about to expire - or that something needs your urgent attention.

Easy setup with the alerts wizard
The simple and straightforward wizard makes it easy to setup your alerts. Choose the type of alert, when it should be triggered and who should receive it.

Get the right alerts to the right people
Alerts are relevant to different people in your business. With BigChange, the right alert gets to the right person at the right time, depending on whether they manage risk, operations, fleet or even finance.

Solve problems, before they happen
When you have proactive data, you’re able to solve problems before they happen. If you know that your engineer will arrive late due to heavy traffic, customers will appreciate a quick courtesy call.

What are the most typical alerts?
Setup alerts that bring your attention to important issues or occurrences right across your operations.

Manage your fleet proactively
Be alerted to key events regarding your vehicles such as MOT and insurance expiry as well as when defects are raised by your team.

Keep tabs on industry qualifications
BigChange’s alerts on upcoming qualification expiry help you manage compliance and stay legal and prevents jobs being scheduled to people once their qualification has expired.