Service reminders
Service reminders: boost revenue by automating service reminders
Drive customer loyalty by helping them stay on top of PPM service and maintenance cycles.
Boost customer loyalty
Trusted by thousands of businesses everyday

Send service reminders on autopilot
Set up automated reminders to customers about upcoming service requirements that arrive by email and SMS. Include links so customers can .instantly book and authorise repeat jobs in the customer portal.

Match the service reminder to the maintenance schedule
Your different job types have different service and preventative maintenance cycles. Control the frequency of service reminders so they arrive just in time to match a customer’s monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual needs.

Dynamic email templates do the heavy lifting for you
Add branding to your service reminders. Then add dynamic text fields that automatically add details such as customer name, job type, work location and information about the asset or equipment that needs to be serviced.

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