You Asked, We Delivered - Group Job Export

Jonathan Isaacs
October 17, 2023

You Asked

How can I share group job details easily with my team or clients?

We Delivered

The ability to export your group job list data to CSV or XLSX, so you can share vital job information, instantly.

It’s all about streamlining and simplifying the way you work. That’s why we enhanced the group jobs list view to make it easier than ever to share information.

Users now have the capability to quickly export the displayed data into either a handy CSV or a comprehensive XLSX file.

All the key columns you rely on are included in the export. Whether it's job status, crucial start and end dates, job references, or order numbers, they're all there. It’s tailored to provide you with a complete picture of your group jobs.

But that’s not all. We understand that businesses have unique needs, so blueprints can be used to customise your exports. This means you can match your client's formatting preferences, saving you from the tedium of repetitive adjustments every time you need to send an update.

Current BigChange users can get going by visiting the group jobs list view. If you have any questions, or need more details on how to make the most of this feature, don't hesitate to reach out to RoadCrew or your customer success representative.

Considering a switch to BigChange or want a closer look? Book a session with our product experts to see the efficiency and convenience that BigChange offers.

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