BigChange’s mobile workforce management technology is helping HRG Tree Surgeons achieve its bold ambition to be one of the UK’s top 100 best business to work for.
A Hampshire based company, which operates across the South of England providing specialist tree works for organisations such as Southampton International Airport, Winchester City Council and Arup Ecology Consultants, HRG aims to achieve this goal by transforming how it cares for its employees, its customers and the environment. The 5-in-1 cloud based BigChange solution is supporting these objectives by eliminating paperwork, improving health and safety monitoring and reducing environmentally damaging emissions.
Sophie Rogers, Health and Safety and HR Manager at HRG Tree Surgeons commented:
“BigChange has transformed the way we look after our workforce, using BigChange we can efficiently plan multiple teams working across multiple sites, we can automatically share job packs and check lists, and we can produce medical questionnaires, toolbox talks and even risk assessments, all digitally and all at the touch of button. This has boosted morale and has enforced our commitment to workplace wellbeing."
she continued:
“BigChange also allows us to work remotely, reduced unnecessary mileage and therefore emissions, has improved our customer communications and is supporting our goal to be carbon neutral,”
HRG previously operated a CRM tool specifically designed for tree contractors and arborists which was used by office staff for planning, quoting and invoicing but did not support the operational requirements of the business. As a result HRG still had to produce paper packs for every job as well as paper time sheets and paper equipment and vehicle checks.
Using the BigChange solution, HRG has now automated its daily planning, monitoring and reporting functions into a single, easy to use, easy to access solution. Part of an end-to-end cloud-based system, the JobWatch app replaces paperwork and synchronises in real-time with centralised management software giving complete visibility of the mobile operation. Providing a single platform CRM, Job Scheduling, Mobile App, Tracking and Customer Portal, the BigChange solution was positively reviewed during a recent audit of HRG by the Arboricultural Association the largest body in the UK for the amenity tree care professional.
Rogers concluded:
“BigChange has been really supportive and the team has spent time understanding our business and the way we work, this has enabled us to get the most from the system and has made an off the shelf solution bespoke to us. Having BigChange in place has allowed us to continue operating throughout the pandemic and will support us as we work to achieve our bold ambitions.”