BigChange Supports Business Growth at ECO Providers

Since its inception in 2017, ECO Providers has grown substantially and now employs more than 130 staff operating out of its purpose built, newly opened, headquarters in Lancashire. The retrofit energy efficiency specialist implemented the 6-in-1 cloud based BigChange solution to replace predominantly paper-based processes and workflows and improve how it records and accesses crucial site information.
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Company size:

savings in man hours


ECO Providers had reached the point in its growth curve where operations had out-grown the back office team, meaning that either additional investment was required to grow the team, or an alternative way of managing the operation was required.


BigChange seamlessly connects field staff with back-office systems, in real time, allowing efficient scheduling, tracking, and reporting on hundreds of energy savings projects annually.

Using BigChange, ECO Providers has transformed the planning and management of complex, multi-team, energy saving projects. Linked by API to the company’s customer platform, BigChange has replaced paper job packs with end-to-end digital workflows.

Residents who have applied for, and secured funding, with the support of ECO Providers, are first visited by a fully qualified assessor who undertakes a whole house survey recording site information, including photographs, on customised worksheets via the BigChange app. Agreed works are then passed to the relevant operations team who can access the survey plans, calculations and even anecdotal evidence, to inform the tools and materials required to undertake the work together with any access constraints or other potential site issues. Whilst onsite, insulation installers, heating engineers and electricians, complete detailed records of works completed, together with date, time and locations stamped photographs, to record evidence in case of customer or funding queries.


Tom Myers, Founder and Managing Director , ECO Providers commented;

“BigChange has allowed us to capture, record, and access, more detailed site and project information at the touch of a button. This saves engineers several hours a week as they no longer have to collect paper job packs at the start of a project, they don’t spend time filling into multiple forms, and they don’t have to return completed paperwork once works have been completed. When you scale this up across a business of our size, this is tens of thousands of man hours a year that we are reclaiming.

 Tom continued;

“This also doesn’t include the time spent back in the office looking for relevant paperwork and reporting on work completed. These savings are fuelling our sustainable growth and we are on track to expand further in the next six months.”

Additional benefits achieved following the implementation of BigChange are better visibility of field operations with real-time tracking and driver behaviour alerts as well as faster onboarding of new starters with easy to digest, self-guiding training packages. ECO Providers also hopes to set up automated stock management tools, using BigChange in the forthcoming months.


Conrad Rybicki, IT System Administrator, ECO Providers added:

“It is hard to put a number on how much time we have saved as individuals and a company as a whole – improvements in many aspects have been so vast! The overall impact is a more agile, efficient eco company where employees can work smarter and faster, ultimately leading to increased productivity.”


ECO Providers is a leading company specialising in delivering the latest energy-saving schemes across the UK. With a mission to reduce the nation’s carbon footprint and alleviate fuel poverty, ECO Providers has grown rapidly while maintaining a commitment to sustainability, innovation, and quality service. From government-backed initiatives to private solar solutions, ECO Providers is at the forefront of energy efficiency improvements for homes across Britain and has to date installed over 15,000 energy savings measures, delivering £3million in energy bill savings and nearly 400,000 tonnes of CO2.

ECO Providers was recently awarded Scale Up Business of the Year at the 2024 BIBA Awards and the Regional Construction People and Culture Award.

“Using BigChange you could say we are practising what we preach. It’s like we have retrofitted our workforce with the tools they need to work smarter and be more efficient and this is delivering significant savings across the business.”
Tom Myers
Founder and Managing Director
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