Embracing Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): A guide for the Grounds Maintenance industry

Fatima Fellah
September 12, 2024

There are new rules on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) in England. The grounds maintenance sector has an opportunity to make a real difference.

This guide explores how the industry can help nature thrive while carrying out its core functions.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

BNG is about leaving nature in a better state than before. Since February 2024, large development projects must improve biodiversity by at least 10%. Smaller projects joined this initiative from April. These improvements need to be maintained for at least 30 years.

How can grounds maintenance companies contribute?

  1. Habitat creation and enhancement:
    • Create diverse habitats such as wildflower meadows, ponds, and native hedgerows
    • Enhance existing green spaces by introducing a variety of native plant species
    • Install features like bird boxes, bat boxes, and insect hotels
  2. Sustainable maintenance practices:
    • Adopt pesticide-free maintenance methods
    • Implement wildlife-friendly mowing regimes, leaving some areas unmown
    • Use organic fertilisers and compost to improve soil health
  3. Tree planting and management:
    • Plant a diverse range of native tree species
    • Implement proper tree care techniques to ensure long-term survival
    • Retain dead wood where safe to do so, as it provides valuable habitat
  4. Water management:
    • Create rain gardens and bioswales to manage stormwater naturally
    • Install green roofs and living walls to increase biodiversity in urban areas
  5. Monitoring and reporting:
    • Use the Biodiversity Metric to measure and report on biodiversity improvements
    • Keep detailed records of habitat creation and enhancement activities

Implementing BNG in the industry

To make BNG work, the grounds maintenance industry needs to adapt its practices:

Develop Skills

Professionals in the industry need to understand plants, animals, and how ecosystems work. Companies should invest in training programs to develop these new skills.

Diversify Services

Firms can start offering services that focus on enhancing biodiversity. This not only helps nature but also opens up new business opportunities.

Collaborate with Experts

Partnering with ecologists can help companies understand how to better care for nature and implement effective BNG strategies.

Adopt Technology

The industry can benefit from using apps and devices that aid in BNG work, making processes more efficient and effective.

Educate Clients

Grounds maintenance professionals have a role in educating their customers about the importance of biodiversity and how it enhances their land.

Challenges and opportunities

Changing established practices can be challenging. The industry might need to invest in new tools or upskill its workforce. However, the benefits are significant. Companies that excel in BNG can become industry leaders, attracting environmentally conscious clients and potentially accessing new funding streams for nature projects.

The future of grounds maintenance

The grounds maintenance industry has a unique opportunity to contribute significantly to biodiversity. By adapting their practices, these professionals can play a crucial role in making the UK greener and more biodiverse. This shift is not only beneficial for nature but also for business sustainability and future growth.

As the sector continues to evolve, proficiency in BNG will become increasingly important for success. The industry is no longer just maintaining grounds; it's actively participating in creating thriving ecosystems. This represents a significant responsibility and an exciting opportunity to make a real difference in environmental conservation.

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