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Job cards

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ETA alerts

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Risk assessment

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Mobile app

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Job confirmations

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Image of a job cardImage of a job card
Tablet or mobile with an eta alertTablet or mobile with an eta alert
View statement reviews and make sure work doesn’t start until necessary risk assessments are signed offView statement reviews and make sure work doesn’t start until necessary risk assessments are signed off
Showing how to manage jobs step-by-step and ensure crucial data is capturedShowing how to manage jobs step-by-step and ensure crucial data is captured
CRM dashboardCRM dashboard
Dashboard screen with multiple data displays.Dashboard screen with multiple data displays.
Form with invoice detailsForm with invoice details
Customer portal with a form to create a new bookingCustomer portal with a form to create a new booking
tablet and mobile app showing how to receive all their jobs digitallytablet and mobile app showing how to receive all their jobs digitally
a map displaying a live fleet trackinga map displaying a live fleet tracking
A quote form with detailsA quote form with details
booking confirmation with date and timesbooking confirmation with date and times
Dashboard showing efficient job schedulingDashboard showing efficient job scheduling

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