Vehicle tracking: up to the minute live visibility
Get a complete view of your engineers, technicians and vehicles

See your vehicles and jobs instantly on the map
BigChange brings you hard-wired vehicle tracking as standard. Giving you up to the minute visibility of your vehicles. This live view removes the need for manual check-ins with mobile teams.

Find the nearest engineer and respond faster to urgent jobs
Respond faster; use the ‘find nearest resource’ feature to find the closest engineer, with the correct vehicle type and skills to attend urgent reactive work.

Detailed turn-by-turn journey histories
Detailed journey histories give you a detailed audit trail and proof of when people arrived and left customer sites. Speeding events linked to actual speed limits are also flagged.

Geofence alerts when vehicles arrive or leave important locations
Set up automated alerts when vehicles arrive or leave specific locations or territories. Know when vehicles enter congestion zones, clean air zones or toll roads to avoid penalties.

Hard-wired or Plug & Go - it’s your choice
Choose between hard-wired or plug and go tracking. Plug and go units connect directly to vehicles’ OBD-II port.

Optional Link to vehicle CANbus and Tacho
BigChange can provide optional connection to CANbus and Tacho for HGVs. Ask one of our experts for more information.